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Updated: 01/25/2024
8517623790Other wired network interface cards
CIQ Code »999:Other communication devices and their parts (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Usage;3:Communication mode;4:Applicable network types (cellular, wired or ethernet network);5:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);6:Model;7:GTIN;8:CAS;9:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitset/kilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)30MFN (Most-favored Nation)0
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports25Export Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineL/Consumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC CertificateViewIn-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

7005290090Other non-wired float glass sheets
CIQ Code »101:Float glass (illegal inspection) 990:Other glass and products (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Usage;3:State (whether mingled filament);4:Shape (plate, sheet);5:Technology (float glass process, surface grinding, polishing);6:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language,please declare the manufacturer if no Brand);7:Model;8:Specification size (length x width x thickness);9:GTIN;10:CAS;11:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitkilogram/square meterGen (General Tariff Rate)50MFN (Most-favored Nation)10
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports20Export Tax Rebate0
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

8518300000Headphones, earphones, whether or not combined with a microphone (including sets consisting of a microphone and one or more loudspeakers)
CIQ Code »101:Other speakers and their parts (illegal inspection) 102:Other speakers and their parts (illegal inspection) 103:Other speakers and their parts (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);3:Model;4:GTIN;5:CAS;6:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitpiece/kilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)40MFN (Most-favored Nation)0
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & Restrictions Inspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

7005290002Rough glass plate used for LCD,including the protection screen containing alkali glass(non-wired float glass sheet)
CIQ Code »999:Float glass (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Usage;3:State (whether mingled filament);4:Shape (plate, sheet);5:Technology (float glass process, surface grinding, polishing);6:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language,please declare the manufacturer if no Brand);7:Model;8:Specification size (length x width x thickness);9:GTIN;10:CAS;11:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitkilogram/square meterGen (General Tariff Rate)50MFN (Most-favored Nation)10
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports20Export Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

7003190090Cast and rolled other non-wired glass, in sheets or parcel (not colored, transparent and not having an absorbent layer, not otherwise worked)
CIQ Code »999:Other glass and products (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Usage;3:State (whether mingled filament);4:Shape (plate, sheet, section bar, profiled bar);5:Technology (casting or rolling);6:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language,please declare the manufacturer if no Brand);7:Model;8:Specification size (length x width x thickness);9:GTIN;10:CAS;11:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitkilogram/square meterGen (General Tariff Rate)50MFN (Most-favored Nation)15
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports10Export Tax Rebate0
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

9019101000Massage apparatus
CIQ Code »101:Massage cushion 102:Massage cushion 103:Massage cushion 104:Massage cushion 105:Massage cushion 106:Massage chair 107:Massage chair 108:Massage chair 109:Massage chair 110:Massage chair 111:Massage bed 112:Massage bed 113:Massage bed 114:Massage bed 1
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Usage;3:Function;4:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);5:Model;6:If there is a medical device registration number, please declare the registration number;7:GTIN;8:CAS;9:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitset/kilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)40MFN (Most-favored Nation)10
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsAInspection & QuarantineM/Consumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

CIQ Code »999:Other computers, auxiliary equipment and their parts (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);3:Model;4:Connection type(wired, wireless);5:DPI;6:CPI;7:GTIN;8:CAS;9:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitpiece/kilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)40MFN (Most-favored Nation)0
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. ImportsExport Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

7003190001Original plate glass using for liquid crystal or an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display(cast and rolled other non-wired glass, in sheets or parcel,not colored,transparent and without aborbing layer,not processed in other way)
CIQ Code »999:Other glass and products (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Usage;3:State (whether mingled filament);4:Shape (plate, sheet, section bar, profiled bar);5:Technology (casting or rolling);6:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language,please declare the manufacturer if no Brand);7:Model;8:Specification size (length x width x thickness);9:GTIN;10:CAS;11:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitkilogram/square meterGen (General Tariff Rate)50MFN (Most-favored Nation)15
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports10Export Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineConsumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC Certificate -In-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

8517623990Other telecommunication apparatus for digit line system
CIQ Code »999:Other communication devices and their parts (illegal inspection)
Declaration Norm »0:Brand type;1:Export preferences;2:Usage;3:Communication mode;4:Applicable network types (cellular, wired or ethernet network);5:Brand (in Chinese or in foreign language);6:Model;7:GTIN;8:CAS;9:Other;
Goods under this HS code »
Unitset/kilogramGen (General Tariff Rate)30MFN (Most-favored Nation)0
TaxVAT (Value-added Tax):13Additional Tariff on U.S. Imports10Export Tax Rebate13
Regulations & RestrictionsInspection & QuarantineL/Consumption Tax
FTA (Free Trade Agreement Tax)ViewCCC CertificateViewIn-Quota on Imported Goods0
IT Origin Country TariffAnti-Dumping / Anti-Subsidy -

Customs Tariffs and Restrictions Information Integration System >>

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